Individually, students are to pick an architect from the given list. Then, we are required to identify 5 architectural building materials and 2 structural building materials based on case studies and research. Besides that, we also had to study about the ideas and concepts behind the choices of the material and of the building. Furthermore, this project required us to describe 1 installation of the materials used in this building. Our final outcome was to produce our work composed in two (2) A3 papers.

Through this first assignment, I managed to improve my research & analysis skills. This is because I had to ensure all facts in my infographic were accurate and useful. I strongly encouraged myself to only put digested information into my work as I wanted to produce something that was mine. Besides that, while learning about the well-known architect, Gaudi, I also widened my knowledge about some history of construction. Additionally, having the freedom and flexibility to arrange my findings onto an infographic really excited me because I enjoy the designing aspect of it all. Overall, this was an interesting assignment that was both fun and educational. From this, I have been inspired to look into other famous architects (and their works) as well during my leisure time.