PROJECT 2: Designing with Architectural Principles + Materiality
For this assignment, students had to work in groups. We were tasked to design an Introspective Architectural Folly that has spatial experience, with a maximum volume of 125 meter cube.
Not only did we have to further our understanding of the architectural principles from the previous project, we also had to study how materiality makes a difference in the folly / structure we were to design.
presentation boards
presentation slides
This second assignment was a trickier one to navigate as we were all still under lockdown and it was our first group project which required proper architectural drawings and a model. In a group of 4, my team and I tried our best to delegate the workload evenly according to our respective strengths. I feel very thankful and to say that my group dynamic and cooperation worked out really well. Everyone in the group was enthusiastic and eager to help out. Besides that, we were also considerate of everyone's personal schedules. From this assignment, we successfully designed folly with experiential spatial qualities that was an outcome of our creativity. It was a very fun process to be able to design something unconventional such as a folly instead of a typical house. Overall, this project helped us learn how to design something as a team and work through our differences.